Health Jobs at Prairie North Health Region
2007-08-03 8:49 AM (Pacific) / 11:49 AM (Eastern)
Tags: saskatchewan, health
The regional health authority for the northwest part of central Saskatchewan is looking for staff. On their website, they feature open positions, on-going vacant postings, and incentives for hard-to-recruit positions. Since this health region serves a large geographical area, job opportunities are available in a wide range of locations. The website lets you sort by area, if you prefer one location to another. Current open positions include two Physical Therapist positions in Lloydminster, a Combined Laboratory & X-Ray Technician in Meadow Lake, and a cook in Loon Lake. In total, they are hiring for (at time of writing this post) 122 positions. If you want to work in a health-related position in Saskatchewan, this might just be your opportunity. You can find more info on the Prairie North Health Region website. Look for Job Opportunities under Quick Links. And, due to the long weekend, we will be back to bring you more job tips and information on Tueday, August 7th. Have a fun and safe holiday weekend!