Jobs at Kodak Canada
2007-09-06 6:26 AM (Pacific) / 9:26 AM (Eastern)
(Permanent Link) Tags: manufacturing, vancouver
Did you know that there are a wide variety of jobs at Kodak? From Industrial Engineer to Project Manager in Manufacturing to Software Developer to Tax Manager, there are a lot of choices in a variety of fields.
The only thing is that ALL the jobs currently on their site, are in Vancouver. Good if you live there or are planning a move, bad if you don't want to live there.
An interesting thing to note is that, in addition to listing the job titles and description, they also tell you what career stage the position is. For example, the Industrial Engineer position would apply to someone who is in an early career phase; with a minimum of 2 years experience, but less that 6 years. That's a great way to gauge the level of experience, skill, and responsibility a job entails.
If you're curious to see what's available at Kodak, you can find them here.