Always Wanted to be a Police Officer?
By StaffYou've decided this is the path you want to take. You've watched enough NYPD Blue and COPS to know this is the life for you. What do you do now?
Dig In:
Call your local police force or your local RCMP detachment. Ask to go on a ride-along. This will give you a better understanding of the job. What you don't see on NYPD Blue you might get to experience on your ride-along.
Talk To Those on the Job:
Get to know your local police officers. Make some contacts at the station by telling them you're interested in the job and in pursuing a career in it. Ask them what they like about, what they dislike, what skills they needed, how they got into it, what skills they think you should have, and anything else you can come up with.
Decide on Which Force to Join:
If you are interested in local police in your town or municipality, check their websites or give them a call to see what qualifications you need to work as a police officer for your town or city. Ask them how many officers they have hired lately and how they see their needs in the future. Education requirements differ from city to city. Some will require you to have a policing course completed. Some hire you first and send you to a police college. As well, many colleges and universities offer preparatory courses to help you get into policing. Ask the force what they are looking for as this could save you a lot of time and money.
If you are interested in joining the RCMP, they have a detailed requirement of what they need. First, you must attend a training session. They are held throughout the country. Contact your local detachment for information on the next available training session. Then you must write the RCMP Police Aptitude Test, do the Physical Abilities Requirement Evaluation (called PARE, which is used by most police agencies in Canada), then a series of tests, investigations, and evaluations are performed. If you are successful, you will be selected to enroll in the cadet training program at RCMP Depot in Regina, Saskatchewan.
Get Ready:
The process to join a police force can be intense. You've got to be prepared to deal with physical fitness testing, personality and aptitude testing, background checks, and lots of paperwork.
Policing can be a satifying and rewarding career. A little research now will help you prepare yourself and get you closer to fulfilling your goal.
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